So me and my girlfriends phones got searched through and they found a open condom rapper in my car.
We neither are punished except we can’t see each other or text each other. They took all the pictures of me and presents I’ve gotten her over our 3 year relationship away.

I want this girl in my life for as long as she wants. So what could I do to help things?

  1. Do what i did at your age, tell them that this isnt healthy the way they are treating you and that if you cant see her youll just be forced to find someone else each time they find out instead of staying loyal to one person.

    Edit, 15-18 year old me was a manipulative and sadistic little shit. Maybe not the best example.

    But i would in a more tactful way explain that what they are doing is only harming both of you and harming your emotional growth. If they didnt want you to have sex thats one thing but to force you to cut her out is tantamout to excommunication

  2. You’re almost 18. Just lie. Go to your parents and hit them with a “you guys are right. I had a lot time to think about my relationship now that we can’t talk and I don’t want to be with her. We’ve had so many issues, arguments and I’ve actually enjoyed the break…” Play that until they believe you and give your phone back, then continue to see her behind their backs.
    I wouldn’t be thrilled if my 17 yr old was sexually active.. but if you guys are using condoms and being smart to avoid pregnancy, it’s really no one’s business what you guys do.

    As someone who was raised by strict parents and moved out right before turning 18, all I can tell you is, sometimes (maybe always) it’s best to tell these kinds of parents what they want to hear and play the long game out of it. Keep your parents off your back until you move out.
    They’ll also probably end up giving you more freedom under the impression that you’re their sweet little virgin child who does no wrong and “listens” to them

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