Trying to form some good daily habits and would love some inspiration from others.

  1. I set out my clothes for the next day and make my bed when I get up in the morning – something about these two actions make me feel like I’m starting the day on a successful note.

  2. I get up early every morning to cook breakfast and have a sit down meal with my spouse where we can connect and read the paper before work.

  3. Spending at least 20 mins a day doing some form of exercise- Be it just stretching and doing yoga, a slow walk around the block, or a vigorous boxing session. Either way, I found something like this helps me slow down the day and reduce anxiety. It also makes me more active and less lazy so I end up doing all my chores at the end of the day, washing dishes, meal prepping, grooming my dog etc. really makes me feel like I have my shit together when the house is tidy and my body feels energetic!

    My goal is to exercise in the morning now, right after waking up… I feel this would make my day better!

  4. Don’t put off to tomorrow, what you can do today. Living by this motto makes me feel like I have my shit together.

  5. Meditation, writing, read a couple of pages from a book that fills my spiritual cup. I do this almost every morning, even if I only have 5 minutes to put towards each activity.

  6. Exercise, making the bed, keeping my kitchen clean, putting away the clean laundry as soon as it’s done.

  7. Make my bed. Do the dishes. Turn on the vacuum robot. Work out. Do meditation tapping before bed

  8. I:
    – make my bed, it really does make a difference! Even if I’m at work all day there’s something very mentally refreshing about coming home to a made bed.
    – walk 10k+ steps a day. I have a Fitbit and haven’t missed a day in over a year.
    – maintain a minimal standard of house/self, like before bed I always sweep, wipe kitchen surfaces, pick up anything on the floor, shower and brush teeth.

  9. Skincare routine, lift weights or fitboard, make sure I take all my medications at the right time.

  10. I’m a teacher, and there is something that is special to me standing in the hall, doing hall duty, with a cup of hot coffee, and being able to chat with my students about non-academic interests they have. I feel like… a “real” human being in those moments, and it brings a peace to my soul before I start the day.

  11. Keeping healthy food in the house so it’s always available and when I’m hungry I can eat nourishing food and don’t reach for junk

  12. Make my bed, practice some yoga, keep my place clean and maintain good relationship with sporty friends.

  13. Washing the dishes, wiping the counters, and sweeping. Yes, I do sweep every single day.

  14. Making sure I do some form of movement in a day with yoga, dancing, walking, weights, or whatever else I’m interested in! As long as I celebrate my body’s ability and need to move in a loving way!

    Eating fruit or vegetables with every meal

    Meditation every day even if it’s just 5 mins

    Hitting my water goal of 3 L a day

    Would love to be more neat and organized, but is a big weakness of mine

  15. making a to-do list so I can cross off each task no matter how simple and making my bed everyday : )

  16. I drink at least a half gallon of water a day, if not more. I may be a mess, but im a well hydrated mess.

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