Men who ended things with their SO on a good note, what was the story?

  1. We were just drifting apart and our lives were going different directions. Neither of us wanted to compromise or give up on our goals, so we ended it. Not every relationship that ends because of something other than death is a failure.

  2. Things were always rocky but we kept trying to make it work until one day we both suddenly became conscious enough to agree that we weren’t compatible at all and decided to amicably go our separate ways. There were no hard feelings and we stayed friends and supported each other until we both became too preoccupied to keep up. She helped me learn that there is nothing wrong with continuing to love someone after you break up with them and that if it isn’t working out, it’d be more supportive for them and yourself to simply just end things.

  3. Simply, we both agreed we couldn’t handle long-distance anymore, and said our goodbyes for probably two days.

    And it was before everyone locked down too, so it’s good timing that we weren’t pressured by that.

  4. I have 3 ex’s and I get along with them all, I should mention that there are no kids so no reason to not be ok with talking.

  5. she almost cheated on me so I broke up with her (I wanted to for a while) I comforted her and we became friends and then we stopped talking

  6. When you’re a home body or always working and they’re a bar hopper on tinder daily buying other women gifts/dinners is generally a cardinal sign

  7. 1) High school sweetheart–I joined the military.
    2) When I left the military, the woman I was dating wanted me to stay in the state I was stationed, I wouldn’t. I asked her to move back with me, she wouldn’t.
    3) We evolved to be too different in what we wanted out of life. It couldn’t be reconciled
    4) She wanted more than I was able to give her at the time.
    5) I wanted more than she was able to give me

    Married now. Still friends/friendly with all of them.

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