So about a week or two ago, i think my penis was might of been dry but not sure. I masturbaited dry as i usually would and didnt really think nothing of it. Im not sure if i had done it more since or not but i began to notice a white ring which looked a bit like dry skin from the retraction/protraction of the penis right where the crease would be (uncircumcised) i noticed it and made sure to moisturise it and be a bit more careful and started using a bit of lube in the future. To find out that this white ring and turned into 3-4 vertical cuts which became a little bit painful but nothing crazy. I then decided to leave it alone and let it heal up. Since then i feel like it has healed up now but maybe not 100% i can still see a bit of redness in the area slightly below where i thought i had the issue.

However i seem to have a bit of an issue now

  1. When erect once i pull my fore skin all the way back, it has this very tight feeling
  2. My erections are no longer as big
  3. My sex drive seems to still be there mentally but physically my penis don’t respond the same, i feel less connected to it and its less sensitive or something.

Ive never had issues with dry masturbation before nor have i had issue with cuts or pulling the foreskin back fully when erect.

Obviously these 3 in combination is worrying for me as i want to just sexually feel the same again.

Ive had a look online at a few different things but not sure exactly whats going on. Could i have an infection? Or is it just it needs to heal?

Im not sure if i should moisturise it and also encourage retraction when erect or just leave it alone to fully go away?

Happy to answer any questions. I would have just left it alone in hindsight.

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