Was talking to my group of friends about how much we wanted to make the buy in for our March Madness basketball tournament bracket challenge this year (we settled on $10 for 9 people). Was wondering how much other people do if any at all? Where I’m from $2-$20 is the most common.

  1. none ever, I literally don’t even know anyone who watches basketball

    …..it’s college football, and our team sucks (Gamecocks)

  2. I don’t bet on sports. But my brother make 30k last year on March madness

  3. Nothing. I don’t like filling out brackets.

    I do like an auction of teams, where people buy teams then win money based on how far those teams get. But it takes a lot of organization and a good auctioneer, so I haven’t participated in an auction for years.

    I usually bet hundreds of dollars in those auctions but made about a ten percent profit — tens of dollars! By creating consortiums, diversifying, and doing some research we almost guaranteed ourselves a good return. It wasn’t enough profit to compensate me for my hours of research, but that was fun.

    The big problem is that a similar auction at another company got into the news and created a minor scandal, since the total pot at big companies could be tens of thousands of dollars. So our company wouldn’t let us do it any more.

  4. I fill out brackets for fun online. I text with friends to see how their brackets are doing but its not usually competitive

  5. I don’t follow college basketball and am too cheap to gamble even on sports I do follow. $0.

  6. I put $20 on a bracket with a large group of friends. It’s a 50/50 where half the money goes to a local charity.

  7. I think last one I did was a $20 buy in. Top three got prizes.

    I won my dad’s office bracket one year and that was a cool $400 which was huuuge for a kid in high school.

    I wouldn’t spend more than about $20.

    I don’t really gamble on anything else but I do love doing a bracket and putting some money up on it.

  8. Zero. I don’t enjoy spectator sports or betting unless I’m playing a friendly $5 game of poker with my buddies.

  9. Zero. Basketball is a snooze fest and I don’t pretend to like it just because it’s March madness. Gambling is kinda boring too.

  10. I fill out the bracket using my tried and true methodology of mascot death match. But nah, I don’t play with money.

  11. None. Sports betting has extremely bad odds so the money just isn’t to be made unless the game ends in an upset. Betting with the odds gives basically nothing, betting against the odds has great odds, obviously, but you’re never really going to win unless it’s on a whim. It’s a giant scam. Although I guess it’s fun just to spend a couple bucks.

  12. We put in 20 “monopoly” dollars last year and I ended up cashing out 120 for a 100 “monopoly” dollars profit 😉

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