1. A savings account you do not spend from?

  2. A retirement plan?

  3. A house/apartment of your own?

  4. A car of your own?

This list is incomplete. While the items it contains are important… I want to ask actual men over 30. If I asked you to go back in time and work on the 10 things you wish you would have worked on so that your 30s become the kind you want, what would those 10 things be?

I want practical advice. I know this list will have finances and accounts, of course. Self-discovery, sure. Yes. And working on what makes you happy. But if you will put things like "friendships" and "meaningful connections" and "people" on your list… I hope you have a convincing explanation.

Because… financial independence is the only thing that makes sense to me right now. No "person" or "people" ever help us out or are worth spending time on or helping… Change my mind if you can.

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