My boyfriend has been away working summer camp for almost the past 2 months and is going to return home in about 2 weeks.

For some context, we have been dating for about 10 months, although I'm not even sure that we are still together considering his actions. Our relationship has been picture perfect with only a few very minor disagreements but never did I think we would break up over anything. Our friends always say that we are "meant for each other" and "perfect" and I believed this too as he is truly the first boy who has treated me this way and been so sweet and understanding. This summer we both had a lot of things planned, him with working at a summer camp which he has been working at for a while, and me who did a month long travel program for summer school in July. Before leaving we were both saddened by the time we were going to be apart but he reasurred me it would go by fast and he would try to text and call me when he could (He has cell service). But already a week in when he was gone he had not texted me at all although I could see he had been active a few times (on snapchat).

When he finally texted me, almost 2 weeks since he had been gone. I had already left for my trip and was out enjoying my time with my friends I had made out on the town. We end up having a pretty typical conversation (Eg. How are you, How has camp been, How is the trip, etc.), but it felt very dry and unusual. He ended up cutting it short and saying he was going to sleep and I made a petty comment about how he hasn't spoken to me in 2 weeks (which probably wasn't the best idea) and it sparked a deeper conversation which involved him getting defensive and telling me I expect too much from him and that he has been busy (although, once again he had been active on his socials). This then caused us to get into an argument where he dumped all these issues on me he had with me and our relationship which hadn't really been brought up. One of the issues being my mom who is an alcoholic, however I moved out of her house very early in our relationship to live with my dad, so she hadn't been a prominent issue for a majority of our relationship. I found it to be very insensitive as that is a sensitive topic for me and he is very aware of that.

The fight continued on to a point where I was out with my friends bawling my eyes out as he was almost hinting at breaking up with me by saying he needs a break from me and that he spoke to one of his friends at camp (who he barely sees and who doesn't know me or our relationship whatsoever) who apparently made him realize it "wasn't as good as he thought". I ended up ending the conversation and going to sleep as I was quite hurt by a lot of the things that were said by him. I recognize that I am an emotional person and have some baggage which can be hard for some to deal with, which is why very early on I gave him a warning making sure he knew what he was getting into, but he was very supportive and consistently throughout our relationship begged me to let him comfort me and help me. The next few weeks involved barely any communication other than small updates (which I barely even got any response to) and started to make me worry about various things.

Finally, just last night I saw that he had removed the instagram highlight of all our pictures together, and changed his profile picture from a picture if us to a picture of him at camp, for context he hasn't answered me in 2 weeks. Although I don't think he would cheat on me, as he has expressed he has trust issues from being cheated on in the past I can't help but worry something is happening at camp where he feels the need to hide me from people. This truly hurt me but even after all this I haven't been able to cry about it even though I feel like things between us have ended. I really really don't know what to do and I really am looking for some advice on what to do. My friends tell me he's an asshole and I should just dump him, but I just can't seem to let go. We are going to have to have a conversation in person when he gets back regardless, and I'm dreading it. I am open to answering any questions or providing more context if it means I can get some good advice. Thanks.

TL;DR : My boyfriend has repeatedly disrespected me and made me feel worried all summer and has emotionally detached himself from me and I'm in search of advice.

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