This is my first post here. I (M29) have been dating my gf (F29) for about a year and a half. This is my first relationship after a few friends with benefits situations. When we first started seeing each other, things were very new for me as to seeing someone for more than a month. Even back then I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue this long term because we didn’t have a lot of the same interests but still had fun with each other. I’ll be honest and say I just wanted to date someone to see how a relationship is and I wasn’t ever super attracted to her but I do think she’s pretty. A few months after going on dates and being casual she asked me to bet her bf. I gave a very lazy “yeah sure I’m down for that”. I have a hard time pushing back on things even though I might feel the opposite of the way the person wants me to feel. She said I love you first and it took me an over 5 months to say it back even though I’m not sure if I truly feel it. What even is love supposed to feel like lol. Fast forward to now and we’re moving in together after she asked if we could and I said yes even though I’m still wary about it. I feel like I don’t see this going to marriage for the following reasons, I’m not as attracted to her as I once was, we don’t share the same fitness goals or other interests, I’m not a huge fan of the way she dresses. I know she is very in love with me but I can’t reciprocate the same feelings and I to scared to bring any conversation up that revolves around a break up because I don’t want to break her heart. Can some one please give me some tips and advice.

I’m in a relationship for 1.5 years that I’m not sure I want to continue even though we’re about to move in together. I have an issue talking about how I truly feel because it would break her heart. Please help.

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