I asked a girl if she wanted to hangout this summer and she said I can try lol

  1. Yeah I just think yes would make more sense. Idk thought maybe it meant she was uninterested but didn’t wanna say so.

  2. Either a) she’s busy and would like to try or b) she’s attempting to brush off the invitation. I generally think it’s best to take people at face value though, if she’s saying she’ll try it’s going to be better to just believe her. If she’s actually not interested it’s her job to adequately communicate that, you can’t be expected to read her mind.

  3. She’s obviously not interested, actions usually speak louder than words my friend.

  4. Hang out really doesnt mean much. I would only answer I can try, too. Because as long as we dont set a date i cant tell you if i am free.

  5. What age are we talking about here? Answers vary greatly between 14 and 40

  6. That was a terrible offer. Too vague.

    Plan a date and invite her and see how she responds.

    Let’s go to X to do Y on Friday.

  7. in my experience, when someone says shit like this or “could”, “might be able to”, etc. without any better alternative, it doesn’t end well

  8. Any woman who’s actually interested in you isn’t going to respond that way to you asking them to hangout. Its best to assume she isn’t interested just to save yourself the time. It’s okay though, rejection is normal and everybody experiences it

  9. Did you really ask to hang out “this summer”? That is pretty vague. Try “next week”. And if she “can try” that, too, ask what’s her schedule looks like.

  10. anything else except “hell yeah” is a no…I can try is just a low-key way of saying “you’re better off not trying to pursue this but maaaybe if I get really bored and no one else wants to hang out I’ll give you a chance”

  11. I have a friend that’s been consistently tying to ‘hang out’ with me and I said the same ‘I can try’ thing to him. So I’d vote no, she doesn’t. Although I’ve dropped so many hints that I don’t wanna hang out, there’s definitely a chance that she just wants to be cool/nonchalant if she seems otherwise interested.

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