OK basically what the title says. I have been dating him for almost 3 months, but we have been offically BF & GF for about 2 weeks. I am so happy he is everything and more that I could have asked for in a BF. However, he says that I make him crazy (in a good way) a lot and I just do not know how to feel about that. Do any of you have opinions on what he means? He has also said I make him nervous when I asked why he said “a woman of your caliber, makes me nervous.” I am not sure why he said that. He is so sweet and thoughtful, I do not want to mess this up.



Why is he saying I make him crazy or that I make him nervous? What could I be doing to make him feel this way? We’ve only been official 2 weeks, but dated almost 3 months.

  1. He probably feels some minor attachment issues/fear of losing you. You said you do not want to mess this up, he probably feels the same way, and feels crazy/anxious sometimes about the relationship. I guess it’s a good sign that he feels strongly about you, but can lead to issues with the attachment if it gets overboard.

  2. This is good. It also means very excited, and from connotation means happy + energized. It’s crazy like crazed, not crazy like mentally ill

    For the other thing, he’s a little insecure because he feels you’re out of his league. It’s sweet, in a way, but you can talk about that and make him feel more confident in your relationship

  3. Just ask him. We aren’t him so we can’t tell you how he uses that word in reference to his feelings. It is kind of a common saying though. Not sure why it would set off alarm bells.

  4. I think he’s trying to say he’s crazy about you. It also sounds like he may feel you’re “out of his league” or something? My guess is he’s trying to be playful.

    This is a new relationship, so it’s a good time to get into good communication habits. Ask him to explain exactly what he means. What, to him, does “crazy in a good way” mean? And if you don’t understand, ask more questions.

    There shouldn’t be any mysteries in a relationship. Being open and honest with each other can lead to a much more meaningful, deep bond between you. Be best friends as well as lovers. Get in this habit and hopefully it becomes much easier to discuss more difficult topics.

    But you need clarity, and it’s OK to ask for more information from him.

  5. My aunt says this about my uncle, “He drives me crazy but I’m crazy for him.” They just celebrated their 25th anniversary. They both are goofy, energetic people who thrive on adventure and making memories.

    Making someone “crazy” doesn’t have to be negative. Like Jeremyfrankly said, it can mean energized, happy, crazed like a kid on a sugar rush. Doesn’t have to mean mentally ill or dangerous.

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