I (21F) been talking (we mostly text instead of call) to this guy (21M) I met on a dating app for about 4 months now and we’ve gone out on more than 7 dates. There was also about a month where we texted daily but didn’t see each other since I went on vacation. We’ve also done some things intimately. The last date we went out on, I asked him what he saw between us in the future. He said he likes what we have going on right now like going on dates and spending time together and that he could potentially see us in a relationship in the future but not now. I asked if he just wanted to be casual or exclusive and he said exclusive and that he isn’t talking to/seeing anyone else. He also said that he “really cares about me” and that he “told his family about me” if that matters. He said he is mostly scared about the label (I’m assuming commitment and the responsibility of a relationship). I do really like him and feel that he is genuine but at the same time I’m not sure what I should do. I also feel that we have a good connection and I do enjoy spending time with him, but I also don’t want to be used. Should I stop talking to/going out with him or give it time?
(We are both in college and he mentioned that he’s never been in a relationship before (neither have I).)

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