I’m 15m and my gf is 15f. I know this seems like some cringe teenage relationship, and to be quite honest it is. We have been talking for roughly 7 months, and dating for only 2 of those months. She is honestly a piece of shit to me. She’s done way too many bad things to me, but for the sake of time the worst is that she lies to the point where i can’t trust anything she tells me, and she’s cheated on me. Even with this though, it isn’t like she’s the devil. She can also be really sweet at times. Recently, i got the courage to finally break up with her, because she really does treat me horribly. Everything was fine until she began begging me to come back. It got to the point where she started threatening to self harm if i did not come back. I know that this is not a lie because she has done it before and once was in the hospital because of it. Naturally, i got back with her from the fear of this, or even worse, suicide. I am really unhappy with this and feel forced to be with her. Any advice on what’s best for me to do?

  1. Tell her parents and then block her. She’s abusing you in many ways, including manipulating you to “come back.” Don’t let this relationship set the precedent for how you allow others to treat you.

  2. Talk to your school counselor, they are equipped to get her the resources she needs and you as well. You need to be no contact with her, she’s not a safe person for you and getting back together does not save her. You can call the police if she threatens suicide.

  3. Her mental health is not your responsibility. I would let her parents or your parents know and leave her. You should be happy and carefree, plenty of time to be miserable later in life. You said she is not horrible but lying is awful. I think trust is even more important than love. Plus she cheated. I mean you’re putting your own health at risk because stds are real. If you’re not careful pregnancy is also very real and then you’re stuck with her forever. Especially if you’re in the states, soon there are not going to be a lot of options. Stand firm and leave. All you’ve proven is she can lie, cheat and manipulate you. It sounds like you are the one self harming by staying in this relationship.

  4. Tell her parents or the school. Even the police if she persists and let them all handle it. Tell trusted adults in your life as well. You need to stay away from this person..it’s very unfair she’s manipulating you and it’s not your responsibility to stay with her , she needs help. This is abusive. If she’s gonna threaten something so serious then she has to face the consequences.

  5. Break up with her.


    When she threatens suicide, call 911 or her parents, or both.


    She will never tell you that again.


    Trust me, you’re doing her (and every bf after you) a favor.


    She can’t have it both ways – she’s either suicidal and needs a wellness check, or she’s lying and isn’t trustworthy, but there is no third choice. Repeat that until you understand that it’s true.

  6. Report this and get away. You deserve better and this extortion is far from what you deserve.

  7. Tell her parents. It’s their problem, not yours. Maybe she’ll get help and be a better person.

  8. Go to your parents first and talk to them about it then have conversation with her parents while your parents are present. You aren’t responsible for her mental health and well being, she needs serious help and you can’t give that to her.

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