We matched on tinder about 6 months ago and didn’t talk for very long, but then a couple weeks ago we matched again and things took off much better. Conversation flowed super well, I think she is beautiful and she seems just as equally as attracted to me.

Our first date was on friday and we spent the entire night together from about 7 PM to 3 AM. It was a fantastic time and we kissed quite a bit at the end and scheduled a second date for Tuesday.

What actually ended up happening was I went out to a bar the night after our date and she met us there. My friend went and socialized with some girls he was friends with in high school while I continued to talk to her for a while. My friend left early and it turned itno another 1 on 1 with her. Conversation was fantastic again, lots of kissing and touching. She offered to give me a ride home since my friend decided to go home early so when we got to my place she came in and we sat on the couch for a few hours and she didnt leave until like 4:30 AM. We talked about a lot more deeper stuff than the first night including our trust issues from past relationships, but how we both felt naturally comfortable around each other.

Today we were talking about our plans on Tuesday. She had recently moved back in with her parents for her mom’s health and she asked if I would be ok with picking her up at her place and possibly meeting them. She definitely gave me an out in case that was something that I was uncomforable with and didn’t want to rush things if I wasn’t ready for that. I told her I thought it might be rude if I were to meet her at her house and not say hi to her parents.

I don’t feel like she is forcing me into anything and she is very respectful of my feelings in case I feel uncomfortable. Part of my brain tells me to just go with the flow and enjoy everything coming my way but also I’m cautious because I’ve been in a rushed relationship before. However that time it was more of an ulitmatum to where I wasn’t allowed to date her unless I met her parents.

I’m more just wondering if a relationship that moves fast can be successful or do they always crash and burn?

1 comment
  1. This is a tough question and I don’t think it’s the question you’re asking haha. Relationships will last given there is clear communication, love, trust and respect. As long as you two build on these 4 pillars, the relationship can last for a hundred years haha.

    If things are going well, and you are happy. Go with it. This girl is obviously very interested in you, which is great. Not many people out there are so easy to open up quickly. She obviously trusts you. And I think you do too.

    If you’re concerned about rushing, voice this concern with her. If anything, she’ll appreciate you being upfront and honest with her.

    Good luck!

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