I was just told by my friend that she got into a small "shout-war" with a random stranger for "Tsk-ing" her 2 yo niece.

What happened was, her niece dropped the doughnut she was eating and stopped in the middle of a crowded mall suddenly. Imagine a great sales kinda traffic. Anyways, a man nearly knock her niece over.

The man commented that my friend should have carried her in such a crowded situation instead. My friend started scolding him for not watching where he is going. Then they stood there and quarrelled for 10 minutes until the crowded behind complained.

To me I feel it's a little bit of entitlement on my friend side. Like she thinks it's a kid who had an accident and that others should be understanding. But it a crowded mall, and I feel it's also safer for her to be carrying the kid.

What do you guys think?

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