Good day everybody.
As stated in the title, my (22M) friend (24F) can’t get her private life together for years. Just for clarification – I live in another country and don’t have any romantic feelings for her, we’ve known each other for years now and our relationship are purely friendly. She’s like a sister to me.

Straight to the point – her private life is horrible. She never had a stable partner for more than couple of months, and usually if she does, she sleeps with somebody else on the side. At times there were like 4 to 6 men she were seeing simultaneously. She doesn’t even stick to them, she just changes them like gloves.

It wouldn’t bother me really, if she wouldn’t complain about it 24/7. She’s clearly unhappy, but can’t get out of the loop. She never listens to advice I give, even if I end up being right which at this point is happening 95% of the time. Most of her partners clearly just want to use her and sometimes even hurt her. She’s just blind at choosing people to date with. It became a pattern at this point.

She has a good relationship with her parents, stable circle of supportive riends (including me), a job she loves and all that, but just can’t figure out what she wants from relationships for the life of her.

Should I just continue to tell her everything’s gonna be fine when it clearly isn’t? It makes me sad to see her unhappy, but I fear there’s nothing I can do, it’s her life after all, not mine.

TL;DR: My (22M) friend (24F) have multiple short term relationships and can’t stop even if it hurts her.

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