So my girlfriend asked me this question.
She has gained weight, nothing major but I know she knows. I wanted to avoid answering the question so my response was ‘I love your body babe!’ She didn’t like that response and says she didn’t ask me if I liked her body, she asked me if I think she has gained weight. I stumbled and didn’t want to lie and said, ah just a bit but nothing major. She got really upset and stormed out. I later apologized for hurting her feelings. I then had to head out to get a few things for our weekend together only to later receive a text saying she won’t be hanging out with me this weekend. I call her and she doesn’t answer.
I understand I hurt her feelings and feel horrible that I did. I could have just lied but she knows she gained weight and I feared she would call me a liar.
Btw, I have never ever criticized her appearance.
Any thoughts on this matter would be appreciated. Thanks

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