My entire life I’ve had to be the one who makes the first move- from elementary school I made a new best friend every year because I came up to them and made a friend. I didn’t do that in fourth and fifth grade and was isolated and lonely. the only time someone’s tried to be my friend was in 6th. for the rest of that year I had to once again make friends. To be fair I am good at that and by the end of the year I had a pretty big circle. and the same thing happened in 8th and 9th, where in both years I built whole new friend circles. But the thing is all my friends say that his they make friends is that people just “talk to them”. They actually have no experiences starting a froendship because people a-proack them EVERY TIME. A similar thing happens to my brother, where all of our aunts, uncles, and family friend parents just love him. He doesn’t talk to them that much but they still adore him while they remain semi polite to me. Sometimes i feel kind of stupid like, why is it that I don’t have that immediate likability factor? Like one teacher even started to hate me for no reason to the point that people in my grade and ones below and above me had to ask why she‘s so mean to me. Does this haopen to anyone else? Or am I just weird?

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