Just want to see other people’s opinions on this. I’m M26 and recently started seeing a girl that I really like. In all my relationships I tend to catch feelings pretty quickly. It usually takes me like 2-3 dates to know if I like someone and there’s no middle ground. It’s either I really like them or if I don’t see the connection I will stop seeing them. In this case I really like this girl and have zero interest in seeing anyone else. I would actually feel guilty if I went on dates with other girls even though we have not discussed being exclusive. We’ve only seen each other a handful of times so I don’t think it’s fair to ask her to be exclusive with me. I really don’t know. Do you guys feel dirty dating multiple people at once. It makes me feel slimy and I really hope this girl isn’t seeing other dudes because I probably wouldn’t want to keep seeing her if she was. Am I weird for this? I just think if you’re looking for a serious relationship you should do it one person at a time. It just seems too early to bring it up with her but maybe that’s the only option.

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