Hello everyone. I currently have a trip to Japan planned with a friend in two weeks. Me and my friend have known each other for over 10 years now and although we usually get along, they sometimes talk to me disrespectfully. I do suffer from mild anxiety and sometimes tend to overthink things, other times it's just an abundance of golden retriever energy that can sometimes straddle the line of anxiety.

I told my friend over text today that I would really appreciate if she tried her best to control her emotions on our trip and treat me with respect as sometimes it's not the thing that is said that hurts but the way that it's said. I told her that I would try my best to deal with my anxiety as well and we could both do our part. I also explained to her that in the past she's hurt me with her words and no matter how hard I try to be an amazing friend to her, it never seems to be enough.

She responded by saying that it was my responsibility to control my anxiety to not make her snap at me. I told her that I was trying my best but gave the analogy that just like how a schizo person can't always control the voices in their head, it's above my control to sometimes be a little anxious and that I was trying my hardest.

I told her that all I wanted was to be treated respectfully and to be talked to like a human and not like a dog. Her response was ''I'm always the bad friend, if you see me that way, you don't need to have pity over me and be my friend''

She's always been relatively cold and i'm not sure if it's her upbringing but she comes from a family of wealth. She's recently inherited a fortune from her father and I don't know if she just looks down on people and me but it really hurts my feelings to be treated that way. I'm still shocked that everything escalated from me politely asking to be treated with respect to being told that I should just deal with my anxiety. She's never apologized once in our friendship despite knowing on many occasions that she's hurt me.

I just don't know what to do now, our trip is 16 days away. I'm basically on the verge of telling her that since she's a multimillionaire, that she should just rent her own hotel rooms and do her own trip but i'm torn. The possibility of travelling alone is pretty frightening to me but what's worse, travelling alone or being treated poorly occasionally?

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