I haven't lived close to friends in about four years – but I recently moved back to my home city and I was excited to live near my closest friends. However, I've been living in town for about two-ish months, and while I know my friends are doing social stuff, I can't seem to wrangle any of them to spend time with me. When they do go out and do stuff, I see it on social media, but I'm never invited.

It's making me remember the last time I lived close to friends the same thing happened – I couldn't ever get people to hang out or people wouldn't invite me to stuff. I had the same issue in grad school too – I had a group of friends, and they would all go out on the weekends, but I wouldn't hear about it until later. I was never invited. Idk if that's because I'm married, but they're all in long-term relationships, so I don't think that's the issue.

I'm not very good at reading people, so I really can't tell if this is because I need to make new friends, or if I'm doing something that makes other people not want me around. I don't want to be a person that no one wants to hang out with.

My partner is a people magnet – everyone loves him and he has lots of close friends, and he's got several friends that want to hang out with him, and me, since we've been back in town. He even has friends that dropped everything to fly accross the country to surprise him for his birthday last year.

My partner says I'm not doing anything wrong and he couldn't see why people wouldn't want to hang out with me, and I generally trust his opinions on these things.

Is it time to make new friends? I'm not even sure how to do that anymore.

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