Hello everyone, this is my first post ever on a subreddit.

Almost a month ago, I (F19) started working for the first time ever as a ˝student˝. I say in quotation marks because I'm a college drop out but I get the necessary paper for it from my cousin since she's in college. I really don't know the terminology for the paper I mentioned since English's not my first language so I apologize for that. Saying that, I like to believe I am fluent in English.

I have pretty bad social anxiety and autism so my social skills aren't the best. However, over time, I got along pretty well with my co workers who are around the same age as me and a guy who's 28 since he's the son of my dad's friend, and also the one who put me in the groupchat for the job. We have 4, I think, foreigners working for the company. I only ever greet them when I arrive at work and that's about it. Last week I managed to strike up a convo with one of the guys who's 31 while he was alone and on his phone, after carefully planning out in my head on what to say and being super anxious. He was super sweet and just overall nice and we actually had an okay convo that maybe lasted like 5 mins. Later on, I asked him about something related to work since I needed help. I really wanted to introduce myself properly to another guy but never found the right moment for it. I don't even know how to do it or if I should since I don't want be bothersome, and especially if he's chatting with the other guys since again, I don't want to bother them and I'm super awkward around a group of strangers. I really want to talk to them normally and maybe be friendly with them just like the others are, but I can't do small talk and carrying convos is super difficult but also like I said, I'm very awkward around new people.

The reasons I would really like to ˝overcome˝ this, is because it's a great opportunity to practice my English and because they're super nice people. Should I even try to be friendly with them since they are older than me and would they think I'm annoying and persistent? How do I better my social skills in this situation?

Also if I made a mistake on posting this on this subreddit when it's meant for a more suitable one, do let me know.

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