
My ex has a boyfriend.

The reason WHY she came here is because I live a considerable distance from where she does. After being stuck in the same village for 2-years straight, she wanted a change of pace, and as one of her best friends, coming here was natural. Well, one of her only friends.

Nothing intimate happened while she was here. Just walking, LOTS of talking, shopping, and TV watching.

One of the reasons why she broke up with me was because I have reassurance issues. Like, I need people to tell me they like me.

Throughout the weekend, she kept dropping hints about my personality, and it was nice.

I asked her to return in July because, yeah, we didn’t fit in everything that she wanted as she was too tired.

I told her it would be tough to trust she will return in July, because she has made these promises to me before and ghosted me for months. Hell, she would sometimes ghost me for days while in a relationship (this is due to a mental helath condition she has)

She asked me “what can I do to make this easier for you?”

I said that she could try and check in every so often, and if she did that, I wouldn’t doubt she was returning.

She also said “I will take some of your stuff”. In her mind, taking some of my stuff is also proof she is coming back. Not that I mind. It was just useful stuff she could use e.g. a rucksack.

She also left one of her things behind to ‘collect’ as further proof.

Since she got back to her village, her attitude has been MUCH different than it was in the past. She is trying really hard to converse with me on Messenger. She has called me 3-4 times so we can continue the long chats we had while she was here.

Am I reading too much into her behaviour now? She has NEVER gone to these sort of lengths to prove that she cares for me. I, genuinely, thought she was only using me. I think this is her way of saying “I am not using you. I genuinely like talking and being around you”

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