CW: sexual abuse, harrassment, and assault

Exactly as the title says. My type is kinda awkward people with trauma. Unfortunately, damn near everyone I've had an interest in has turned out to be a horrible person. One wrongfully accused me of abuse, one sexually assaulted me and sexually harassed my friend, one turned out to be dating someone while we were talking, and now I've gotten the worse of them all. The latest person to catch my interest was a seemingly nice, really cute guy at the smoke shop. He told me he'd been in jail at one point, but he didn't say what for. Well, today, my curiosity finally got the better of me, and I finally understand why curiosity killed the cat. I got on my computer and tried finding his arrest records. It took around 20 minutes, but I finally found them. Of all things he could've gone to jail for, I didn't think it would be something like this. Turns out, he went to jail for abuse with intent of sexual abuse of a minor age 0-13. I just can't fucking believe my luck. Of all the people I could be interested in (and that's a lot of people considering I'm pan), I just had to be interested in the goddamn pedo. Why can't I just find someone that's my type and not absolutely vile.

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