
Hello everyone, I’m a “straight male” and have always been one. I have never in my life been attracted to men in any way shape or form and have always been 100% attracted to women. Thing is I believe I may be sexually attracted to penis? It’s a weird situation because if I just see some dude and his meat it disgusts me but if it’s a TS person that looks like a girl I can get behind it for lack of better vocabulary. It is a fantasy of mine and lately it has been driving me insane. Is it really just a fantasy or is my feeling of being sexually attracted to penis (not men) real? Like any other curious person I’ve… you know experimented and messed around a little but nothing that has any or maybe very little resemblance to reality. Nothing has gone up there yet, my pride is still holding out on that one but other things I’ve tried. My gut wants to go through with it and buy some kind of uhhh yea yk thing to recreate reality but my instincts say otherwise. Long story short, I am 0% attracted to men and I would argue negative before positive which makes 0 sense based off of what I’ve just explained and I am still very VERY attracted to women. But sexually? I have no idea anymore.

If you have any thoughts or experiences on the matter please let me know what you think is best.

Also, this is hard for me to type and explain because I’ve never told anyone so I apologize if it makes no sense but I tried my hardest lol.

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