So, I've only had sex with 2 people. 1 was a one night stand that I felt pretty used by, because it was just like 2 minutes of PIV and then he went on his way after he came. The other was a 7 year relationship.

Through the 7 year relationship, I learned a lot about a lot, but… I guess what I'm nervous about is that I know what my ex liked, but what if I try those same things on a new guy and it's bad for him or whatever. I know communication is key and everything, but I guess I just feel nervous, because just because one guy liked it doesn't mean another guy will, and what if he hates something I do but doesn't tell me and just thinks I'm bad?

I'm also scared because, well, I'm really loud in bed. I'm loud and I get really shakey and squirmy, and I feel like that'll be way too much and scare a guy off, lol.

And idk. Just, the whole, doing it with someone new, who you have never done it before with, that's terrifying to me, because you don't know what the other person likes. And I get that that's meant to be part of the fun, but to me, it's scary.

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