Some general questions around the topic that might jog some thought, I'm very curious how you peeps feel about this as women:

Does knowing any of it make you uneasy at all? Do you prefer to know rather than not to know? Are there certain details you prefer not to know (such as intimate details, or even if they have a history of being assaulted etc.?) Does it make a difference knowing if they are still friends / in contact with an old flame?

  1. I’ve had one partner with sexual history and one without.

    How I felt about the former:

    Goddamn this woman is kinky. I wonder if she’s still into those things and if she’d be willing to try them with me… (spoiler: she only cared about my pleasure for quite literally 7 seconds at a time even when it came to things she claimed she was into).

    How I felt about the latter:

    So I’m going to have to… teach him things? Depending on how much porn this dude watches, it seems like I’d be doing more un-teaching than teaching.

    I was not excited about that, but thankfully he seemed to already have a good grasp on what he wanted, so he was quick to learn and it wasn’t nearly as much of a hassle as I thought it would be.

  2. I don’t need to know anything beyond their current risk profile and their safer sex practices. Their history is their business, not mine.

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