Picture this: you move in with your lovely boyfriend, expecting sweet dreams, but instead, you're serenaded by the loudest snoring you've ever heard. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper, but this was next level. I tried everything – going to bed before him, earplugs, even heavy-duty sleeping pills (which, by the way, are a slippery slope). But after months of sleepless nights, I was a zombie.

I was constantly sick due to lack of sleep, my mood was constantly in the gutter, my productivity plummeted and I resented my (now ex) boyfriend. And don’t get me started on traveling together – booking separate rooms was like putting a bandaid on a broken heart. The final straw? He wanted kids. But how do you start a family when you can’t even share a bed?

So, Reddit, what would you have done? Am I the *sshole for choosing sleep and sanity over love?

FYI – he did have surgery, but remained quite over weight and is a heavy smoker, so it didn't help.

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