Where did you go to really “find yourself”?

  1. Therapy. I had tied a lot of my identify to my mental illness and being able to separate that was what really got me comfortable in my own skin again.

  2. In order to find yourself you need time with you. Stop hanging out with people who push you down, feel free to feel like 100% yourself.

  3. A combination of things.

    Traveling alone, therapy has helped and honestly just aging. I have a much better understanding of myself today than I did 10 years ago.

  4. Going on drives by myself. My car feels more of a safe place than my actual home

  5. Within. I sat with myself and my thoughts. I meditated and I occasionally isolated myself to do so.

  6. Back at my parents. I needed to rebuild MYSELF and starting “where I left off”, before I left home and changed countries for a controlling boyfriend, felt like it made sense. Also, they’re nosy and stubborn but I know they’re always in my corner, so I knew I would be safe there.

  7. A hammock in the family backyard that didn’t get used, one summer, ten ish hours a day of reading books and napping. Depression is a hell of a drug

  8. a combination of things. I walk… a lot. I really love it for spending time with friends or just thinking. I’ll walk for hours if the weather is nice and cold out. I can reflect a lot on my own actions, patterns, and thoughts.

    But talking to friends is also helpful for “finding myself,” which to me really just means identifying areas where I can improve on.

    For feeling more connected to myself/whole and finding peace I like nature and nostalgic things. I love going to the beach or on a walk by a lake. Nostalgic things… one of the best is going to this amusement park on the beach at night. The lights come on and music plays… Going on rollercoasters and watching the sun slowly set until it’s dark out is a different type of magic that just restores my little soul lol. I hope I can do that this summer, but I might be too old for that now lol.

  9. A heavy, and forced psychedelic trip while in a foreign country by my abuser who was holding me captive.

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