Gas, food and housing is particularly expensive in the US and a few other random things. Are you having similar problems in the UK?

  1. Yes, and most people don’t seem to realise that it’s happening all over, not just in the UK.

  2. Yes.

    Petrol, electricity and food are especially problematic with the current inflation.

  3. It’s going up, but I saw some stats saying that compared to maybe 70 years ago, we a spend a significantly smaller percentage of our wages on food than we used too.

  4. Fuel went more than 50% up in last 2 years.
    Gas and electricity more than doubled, and will go up again in October.
    Houses are going up by 10-20% each year.
    Food rises a bit every few weeks.
    And I’m afraid 9% inflation is a joke.

  5. The extreme example would be premium diesel which is now averages over £2 per litre (£9.09 a gallon / $11.40 a gallon). The cheapest, unleaded petrol, is more like $9.12 a gallon. Out gallons are 20% larger than yours, though, so not quite as bad as it sounds. From what I can gather, we’re probably paying about double what you pay.

    Rent prices have gone up a lot, but energy bills have been the scary one, in just how steeply they are rising. For some people, they will have trebled over the space of 20 months in October.

    As for food, it depends what you eat. Meat has always been an expensive way to get your energy. My basic supermarket salmon is about £26 a kilo and the good stuff £48 ($15 a pound and $28 a pound respectively). I understand from friends that it’s expensive there too, though. I get the feeling vegetables are cheaper here for some reason. Although we’ve been through a phase of not having things like tomato juice, because we can’t grow them without greenhouses and then energy bills were too high to heat the greenhouses.

  6. Can’t even afford to go to the dentist, opticians, or pay for my current prescriptions, and I don’t qualify for help, and I’m currently on sick leave so it’s just going to be worse.

  7. Worst of it is, Mr Kiplings Cherry bakewells are £2.45 now at the Co op!!

  8. Yes, but gas (petrol) was already pretty expensive here compared to the US.

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