Me (20F) and my boyfriend (21M) have been together for 18 months now. Our relationship started off great and was healthy, but unfortunately we had some issues this year that resulted in our connection becoming damaged. We decided to stay together to work through things, and we even did couples therapy together as well. Overall, we are slowly healing and rebuilding our connection, but I have an anxiety disorder and therefore have anxious attachment style. I get severely anxious whenever we don’t talk because I overthink that I did something wrong, or that I hurt him and he’s secretly not telling me. This is a horrible habit that unfortunately got worse overtime. I used to be able to go hours without talking to him without feeling panicked because I knew our relationship was secure, but now I find myself needing to be close to him 24/7 to feel any sort of security, which I know is unhealthy. I want to be able to do my own thing again without feeling insecure and like I need to text him 8273284 times and call him 727372 times to make sure he’s ok. Any tips on how to improve my mindset? Thanks.

td;lr: i have severe anxious attachment and therefore have the inability to leave my boyfriend alone, and i have the inability to do things independently. any tips to get better?

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