I am just going to use this as a place to vent. I donโ€™t know what to do anymore. My husband of 9 years has told me he wants a divorce. We have been together for 10 years and we have never fought. The little bickering here and there but nothing major until Memorial Day this year. I donโ€™t know what happened. It was like a switch flipped and he is just angry all the time.
After the 3rd time of him saying he wants a divorce I left with our 4 kids. Went and took some money and bought a camper for me and the kids to live in.
This happened on Thursday – Friday he was still angry, Saturday I purchased the camper. Sunday we met up as weโ€™d both cooled down and we chatted for 5 hours. It sounded good. Sounded like we were going to work on us. He didnโ€™t have his ring on. He texted me goodnight love you that night.
Today, Monday he stopped over and visited with the kids and we chatted alone for an hour or so. Still sounded like we were going to work on us. Still no ring. Before he left he told me to message or call him tonight. I told him to message or call me when he starts to miss me. I had such high hopes.
I never heard from him. My heart is shattered. Please tell me this isnโ€™t over. I love him so much. Iโ€™m so confused.

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