My M30 coworker F50 has been commenting on my eating habits and it's starting to bother me.

I'm not sure when it started but we've worked together for 2 years, but I just noticed it. She'll say stuff about how I love food, or she'll make it a point to come tell me when people have left leftover desserts in the lobby hallway (people often bring leftovers down from office events/birthday parties). She recently said how I'm like her daughter, and am always eager for free food. She'll sometimes jokingly tell me to enjoy my lunch break when I'm leaving for lunch.

Today we were talking about celebrating something and she said "celebrate ends in ATE like ate food", while looking at me. I don't want to be too thin skinned, as I don't mind a little teasing. But now this just seems like a running joke that is getting old.

How should I say something so that there no awkwardness?

TLDR: Co worker makes jokes about how much I supposedly love food. I want to tell her to stop.

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