I'm lonely. I only have 1 friend, we occasionally walk home together from school and hang out. I was a loner and he was the only one who befriended me. Last two months ago he brifended 3 other peeps. Our friendship became a friend group, at first I was happy that I'm gonna be friends with more than 1 people but after like a week those 3 were teasing me and swearing at me for fun.
I quickly became the butt of the joke my friend always hangs out with them now and invites them without me. I was fine for it for awhile and continue being the butt of the joke.
Until my original friend started teasing and swearing at me too. It started to annoy me so I ignored them for awhile. Yesterday they were walking home together, I haven't talk to them for days so I decided talk to them again, but one of his friend said "Yo, does this guy really think he's part of our group!?" I had enough so I ended up taking the bus. At home I Dm'ed my friend and told him how I felt, he replied with "if you don't like them you can just find new friends". I didn't replied.

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