What goes on your mind when an ugly guy asks you out confidently?

  1. Assuming they’ve been respectful, and it’s an appropriate setting for them to be asking me out (as in, they’ve not interrupted me doing my groceries, or I’m not at work or something), I would think “fuck will he get angry when I say no?”, I’ll try to figure out how safe I am. And then I frantically try to think of the nicest way to say no.

    Same shit that goes on when any man I’m not interested in asks me out.

  2. I’m not sure as I’ve never experienced this but for some reason I can picture myself entertaining giving the guy a legitimate chance lol dammit

  3. Depends on their behavior. If they’re respectful but fun to talk to, I’d be willing to be friends, if they’re being a creepy then I’ll ignore them.

  4. “How do I get out of this while doing a little ego damage as possible”

  5. If respectful, ill say that I’m flattered but no thank you. If creepy, I’ll basically say, no, fuck off.

    This goes for any guy, regardless of looks… but it’s a no if I’m not interested.

  6. I smile still. I smile cause I will think he’s a nice amazing nice guy, that I wish I was into but not. And kindly will say no in flirtatious manner as I always have.

  7. Lol i find it funny and endearing. Always feels a bit bad to reject someone but as long as they take the rejection well, no issue.

  8. If he’s able to impress me with his confidence, I might agree to go on a date with him. He can then use that opportunity to show me that he’s a valuable guy who just happens to have an ugly face. I’m assuming here that this guy takes good care of himself, treats a lady right, and is just unlucky enough in the genetic lottery of facial features.

  9. I say that ive been in love with my bf for 14 years now and been together for 11 so im very much not interested. And pray hes “nice guy” material and isnt about to flip a shit at me.

  10. What goes through my mind? “Just another day at the bar/club/gym”. Then I respectfully turn him down.

  11. Smile, be friendly and lie that I have a bf. I’m not certain whether or not that’s the right thing to do—I tend to panic, get flustered and default to that.

  12. I don’t think I’ve met an ugly dude – someone with interesting features I guess, but unless they have a weeping wound on their face I don’t think I’ll have a reaction (except to ask if they need a tissue/help).

    Usually if they’re confident, I’ll chat a bit to see if they’re interesting or creepy, and if the latter, decline as politely as possible and hope they don’t make it weird.

    If interesting, well, I’ll turn them down but I’ll ask if they wanna be friends. They’ll either turn me down, in which case, fine. Or I’ve made a new friend.

  13. Im struck with a wave of awkwardness and anxiety, and depending on how they phrase it possible fear that they will not take no for an answer.

  14. How to politely decline. I’m not available and if I were I’m obviously not going to go out with someone I find “ugly”. If it’s a situation where it’s weird or inappropriate to ask someone out I’ll be annoyed though…won’t show it because I don’t want to hear some rant or trauma dump about being rejected or worse.

  15. If he’s a stranger, his chances are zero. Regardless of looks, I don’t understand why anyone would ask out a stranger. It’s not a compliment, they don’t know me. The attention is unwelcome.

    Now if he’s someone I know and trust, I might go out with him. Regardless of his looks.

  16. I’d be flattered, i suppose. but that doesn’t really change my answer of “nope”.

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