I come from a VERY conservative country where age plays an important role in relationships. Generally people older than you are referred to as "elder brothers/sisters", and the dynamic is very familial.

I have a few women friends who are a lot older than me (5-10 yrs), and thus they're my social elder siblings, and I'm like their little brother.

The problem is, one of these friends just behaved a little unusually. Not bad in any way, but unexpected. We were in a dressing room of a theatre, and she kind of exposed her breasts to me??? She wasn't "seductive" or anything weird like that, but she asked me what I thought of her and if I "liked" them.

I have to be honest, I did feel aroused even though we have a sibling dynamic. I kept the compliments to a minimum, and the convo was over pretty quickly.

I want to know what the hell just happened. I feel quite excited and comfortable around her nudity, but is that a bad thing considering our ages (20 & 35)? Was is even sexual to begin with? Why would she ask me of all people for validation and intimate affection? I'm so confused but also thrilled as hell.

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