• When you find yourself becoming increasingly irritable, anxious, and your life is deteriorating, with less time invested in yourself and a diminishing sense of self-worth, it's time to reflect deeply on the meaning of being in this relationship at this moment. Are you in it just to be angry? To turn yourself into a resentful person? Or to become someone who is increasingly unable to concentrate and loses their sense of value? A healthy relationship should uplift both partners, where you inspire and encourage each other to improve and grow, rather than dragging each other down into a state of decline.
  • Losing trust in a relationship is a significant red flag. Without trust, there can be no sense of security. Without a strong foundation of trust, it becomes difficult to be honest with each other, often leading to suspicion, arguments, and emotional exhaustion. As emotional beings, we are prone to losing balance when feelings run high—either loving too intensely or becoming overly dependent. Neither of these extremes is healthy for a relationship. When a relationship starts to veer into unhealthy territory, and if both parties are unable to make adjustments, sometimes letting go is the best way to love yourself and, in a way, to love the other person too.

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