Who do you look up to the most in your life?

  1. My Nonna is a badass, became a doctor first female in her family to even go to college, never mind, get a PHD. She reasoned as a woman she must just naturally know more about babies than a man would, and everyone went no she’s right.

    Didn’t marry until she was 33 to what in effect was the nicest man willing to take her to England so she could raise her children as she wanted.

    He died when her youngest was 10, she brought the remainder of the house outright and raised both boys on her own.

  2. My dad. Single father rising a girl as a roughneck couldn’t have been easy. He pushed me to excel in school to break the tradition of family members equating to nothing. He supported me so I could go to med school and was at all of my major accomplishments. He never missed a single game I played except when he broke his leg and was in the hospital. I like to pick on him for that almost 20 years later

  3. My husband. His kindness and compassion for all creatures great and small are beautiful. We’ve been together for 11 years and I admire him more every day.

  4. My mother, even living abroad I still can count on her, our bond is strong and I know I can count on her whenever I need. But since I live abroad, I can also say my husband, what a partner he is. There is nothing this man wouldn’t do to help me or to see me happy. I am very grateful for my mother and him.

  5. My parents; their commitment to each other in their marriage of almost 50yrs, their journey in life and what they’ve overcome, how they parented through the grief of losing my sister-they’re just two incredible human beings that I’ve always been blessed to look up to.

  6. My older sister. Growing up she was always the “cool” sister, the cheerleader with a gorgeous figure, cute boyfriends, and the best style. She fell into drug addiction in her twenties and I thought we might lose her forever, but despite all her trials she always stayed positive and full of life and laughter. She beat heroin addiction and now owns her own home in her thirties and is more responsible than me! I just love her to pieces and I know so much of my style, preferences, and sense of humor is thanks to her. I look up to her for her ability to not sweat the small stuff and show resilience in the darkest times.

  7. My big sister. She is my best friend and confidant. Behind her are my mother in law and stepmom.

  8. My mother’s father. He had a very tough upbringing but still turned out to be the most loving, gentle and happy man I’ve ever met. I never saw him angry once in my life. He did EVERYTHING for his children and grand children. Incomparable. He passed away December 2023 at 100 years old. Very well deserved such an old age and everyone around him loved him. Even his nurse at the old folks home he passed away in came to his funeral and held a speech for him crying. The best man I will ever meet. I miss him dearly every day. My hero since I was a child.

  9. Noone really. I guess my mum isnt a quitter. She’s been through shit so I suppose inadvertently her.

  10. My mother❤️took years to understand why she made certain choices. But as I grow older I realize more and more she did it all for me. Her dedication towards me and my needs is something I look up to, and that leaves me thinking if I will ever in life do the same for someone else. She’s badass!

  11. I would have had an answer to this question a year ago, but I’ve had to block the person I used to look up to because I realized I shouldn’t be looking up to them. Here’s to lifelong learning! 😅😂🍻

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