Do you really like getting kissed on your forehead, if so, why?

  1. To me it’s like something you do to show you are there ? Like … kiss the forehead then place yours against theirs and be like “it’s gonna be alright” without saying it?

  2. My foreheads big and im worried about the getting a closer look at my wack hairline

  3. Nope. Not a kid. Also I feel like a kiss on forehead is actually a subtle sign of “i’m higher than you” as you’d have to tilt your head down a bit for them to kiss you.

    If you want to kiss me, kiss my lips or cheeks, otherwise don’t bother.

  4. I really like it though I haven’t figured out the meaning of it I think.

    Best guess for me based on the girls that did it and the context they did it in is that she cherishes you and wants to preserve you. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

  5. I don’t know because I’ve never experienced it before, but I think I’d like it a lot, it would probably feel reassuring

  6. Yeah, I don’t mind it. I don’t mind being kissed anywhere. It’s all good. The only one that’s a bit weird is a girl kissing the back of your hand like they’re Prince Charming and you are a Disney princess.

  7. Tbh I didn’t care either way for it until my boyfriend told me how much /he/ liked it. Now, when I kiss him on the forehead and I see him get all giddy, I know that that’s how he wants me to feel when he kisses mine.

    It’s nice.

  8. I really, really like it, but I’m 6’4″ and all the girls I’ve dated have been at least a foot shorter than me (I evidently have a type lol) so I don’t get it much 🙁

  9. I’m attached-based person in fact My love language is touch so a kiss on the forehead really goes a long way with me.

  10. I don’t because I live by myself and having some random guy on the street kiss me would be scary.

  11. Yes, it’s comforting when I’m sleeping or just about to sleep while laying down / about time to wake up.

  12. Yes if it’s a girl I’m in a i with. I just love affection from people I love in any form, especially physical affection.

  13. yes, because it feels so caring and gentle. but honestly from a woman, all kisses are gentle and caring so 😭

  14. Not particularly.

    I appreciate the willingness to do it more than the actual act itself.

  15. Nothing makes me more content than affection aimed towards me. I don’t get it much but when I do I cherish it forever.

  16. The last good memory I have of my ex wife was her kissing my forehead while I was asleep.I woke up and kissed her goodbye for the day. So yeah some of us do some of us don’t.

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