So she’s talking with me all day long and this includes a lot of FaceTimes etc but I can see she’s also talking to other guys.

Should I invest less in her? Is she just using me as a time burner and a call when she’s bored?

  1. Don’t take it too seriously. TBH the age range is a little sus to begin with, but also she’s still a teenager doing stupid teenager things. You’re in your mid-twenties. Chat with her if you have fun doing it, if you don’t feel like it, then stop.

  2. bro you were born in 2000 she was born in what 06???? yea cut it out and get real ofc she’s not serious she’s barely legal

  3. She’s exploring. There are probably 18yolds who want a stable relationship but she ain’t it.

  4. 6 years ain’t that big a difference by itself. 18/24 is a huge difference when talking about building long term relationships. Don’t invest anything you wouldn’t mind throwing away: Time, energy, money, expectations, but if it’s fun it’s fun.

  5. I don’t know that anything serious will come out of this. I’d argue no, because we change a lot from 18 – or at least some of us. Really skeptical of this leading to anything stable and long term. I feel you’d be better off investing in someone else. Dunno if she’s using you, might just prefer older.

  6. 18 year olds aren’t looking for something long term. They’re looking for some dick or pu-sy. She ain’t even 21 it’s gonna get worse when she begins to drink too. Find someone at least 22+

  7. Completely divest from her. The age gap is weird, dude. What would you have in common with an 18 year old? You guys weren’t even in high school at the same time.

  8. If you’re looking for a relationship, the 18 year old ain’t it buddy. No disrespect to 18 year olds, but that’s a child. A lot happens to your brain between 18-25.

    Now if you’re just trying to get laid… that’s on you. Nothing illegal, but not something I’d do.

  9. Hit that… but don’t fall in love and be available 25/8 for her especially since she already has other guys bro

  10. I was 22 talking with a 19 year old one time. Talking to anyone in the 18-21 age range is straight up a bad idea. They are so immature. Like you said, lots of FaceTimes but no dates because “my mom said no.” Felt really weird and gross.

  11. You should leave her on the playground you found her on and go find another grown up to entertain yourself with.

  12. If she’s talking to other guys don’t stress it, if she wants something to happen let her reach out.

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