a bit of backstory: i’ve had a small group of online friends i met on discord in 2020 and a couple of them live in paris. we’re not super close but we know enough about each other that none of us are random old men preying on teens.

recently my family has been planning a trip to paris and i thought i could ask those two, as locals, if they had recommendations for touristy stuff to do. i sent a message along the lines of this:

“hey my family is planning a trip to europe in november … i was wondering if yall had recommendations for places to go or good food to try”

they haven’t answered in a couple days now and haven’t been active on their socials since i asked that. i’m getting anxious that i was too forward and that they think i’m traveling there to stalk them or something😭was it weird for me to ask that since we’re not too close?

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