My (27m) girlfriend (24f) went through a traumatic experience with an ex a couple years ago. They both had a manic episode together, and since have not talked about it much. They were friends for a majority of knowing each other, and were only in a relationship for about 2-3 months before the manic episode and subsequent breakup. My girlfriend wants to reach out to him and talk to him about it, and she reassures me she doesn't want to get back together with him and is over him romantically, but has told me she has confused feelings about him at times. These confused feelings include wanting to be his friend again then not wanting to, feeling like there is a possibility she could catch feelings again, feeling like there is something theyre meant to accomplish together, and other things i cant remember. She says she gets this only when something related to him pops up, like meeting an old friend of theirs or someone talking about him. I'm not sure how to handle this. She constantly tells me she loves only me and only wants to be with me, but the confused feelings she gets sometimes worry me. im not sure if i can trust that shes completely over him romantically. She says its more about wanting to resolve the trauma they faced together than wanting to resolve anything romantic. We have been together for about half a year.

TL;DR: My girlfriend had a manic episode with an ex, and wants to reach out for closure of that trauma. Says shes over him, but also gets confused feelings about him. Not sure how to handle it.

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