Have you ever drastically changed your look (hair, makeup, style)? What prompted the change, and how did it feel?

  1. I decided to get a full body perm on my long, super straight Asian hair.

    Hair came out super curly and I’ve absolutely loved it ever since. A lot of people are shocked when they find out they’re not natural curls.

  2. I left a long term relationship and this weight just fell of me. I felt free. I felt happy. I was hopeful. So I started focusing on me my wants and needs. I went in and got a drastic hair cut. I started doing my nails. Little by little I changed my entire wardrobe. From my clothes, shoes, underwear wear, everything. I love my closet it’s my own personalized store in my size. It looks as incredible on me as I feel.

  3. I buzzed my waist-length hair when I was 17. It has been no longer than chin length ever since. The style suited me and I don’t have any desire to grow it long again.

  4. I had waist-length/hip-length hair for a long time in middle school/high school and then chopped it super short in my late 20s. I’m more visually identifiable as queer now and there’s less upkeep, so I’m happy with it. Was definitely an adjustment but I dig it.

  5. My hair, frequently over the years. It’s been everything from a platinum blonde pixie cut to long dark auburn. I get bored, so I change it and it’s usually a fairly dramatic change because otherwise it wouldn’t feel like a change. I just like having fun with my hair – if I don’t like the result I just have to wait a couple of months till it grows a bitto change it again

  6. I got a pixie cut in 2012, and retained it all the way till lockdown. If not for the rona I’d still have one today.

    It was prompted by my realisation that I looked better with shorter hair, and every time I visited my hairdresser I would request a shorter and shorter cut, until my hair was practically buzzed. As for how it felt? *Brilliant.* I loved not having to deal with my fussy hair texture, and it earned me lots of compliments.

    Some bloke who fancied me (non-reciprocally) caught sight of the change at a party, and demanded to know WHAT HAPPENED. I was so confused. He kept insisting that I must have gone through a breakup in order to have shorn off my hair like that. OK…

    In 2019 I decided to go platinum blonde. For a while I looked like David Bowie at his most ginger, and then I looked like Spike from Buffy. I loved it so much that I am still blonde, except I don’t dye my roots any more to save my (longer) hair.

    Like my taste in music, my makeup and style has been awfully consistent since 2009. I look forward to new and unexpected words that will be used to describe that “aesthetic”.

    I started treating myself to regular manicures, pedicures, and lash lifts after my divorce. They don’t make for a “drastic” difference, but help me feel put-together.

  7. Cut about 12 inches of hair off senior year of high school. I hadn’t had short hair since I was a little kid at that point and wanted to see how I’d feel with it shorter. It was honestly kind of nice.

  8. Went blonde before university started. New school new look. Felt nice to try something new but didn’t like it enough to keep it up for more than a couple of years.

  9. I am a blonde with long hair, was and am at the moment.

    As soon as I stopped having any emotions, I wanted to dye my hair black and do a bob-karee.

    So I did.

    Did it make me feel better? Definitely not.

    The therapy helped.

  10. I cut my hair from chest length to above shoulder length and got a curly cut so now I wear it curly most days when previously I had almost exclusively styled it straight. I had been wearing my hair up all the time while it was long because I hated dealing with it, and when I cut it I felt lighter and freer and more myself, and now I feel off when it gets too long, like not quite myself. The shorter curlier hair suits my personality and style better. I wish I had cut it decades earlier, but better late than never! Now I’m trying to repair my curl pattern that I had impacted with decades of straightening and bun-wearing.

  11. Shoulder length hair (it used to be down to my butt) and bangs! Chic af and I keep getting compared to Dakota Johnson and Anne Hathaway! I’ll take it!

  12. Shaved my head. I was just tired of hair. It was amazing. Weirdly it also brought a lot more male attention. But 🤷🏿‍♀️

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