Hei Everyone!
I would really like som help on how to support my boyfriend. He is struggelig a lot with stress and bad thoughts about himself. He isn’t telling me in detail, just short anwsers like «I’m stressed with school» «my dad yelled at me». All in all I can see that he is under more stress than he is telling me. When we were at vacation he started crying for the first time ever in front of me, saying he doesn’t deserve this, and that he is a looser who can’t get anything in his life right, and all sort off bad stuff like that. He has gotten worse since, but haven’t cried anymore.

We don’t live together, and lately he has chosen his friends over me alot. Ditching me, doing substances, partying, staying out really late. For info we are both in our early 20’s.

How do I help and support him and his mental health?

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