I have a very stable well paying job, but just got offered a much higher paying job at a semi stable smaller company. The work would be similar but the smaller company is a much better commute. I do have kids and a mortgage to think about.

  1. What’s your contingency if the high paying job collapses in 6 months? If you’re screwed in that case, I’d play it safe.

  2. Urg? I always went after which sounded more engaging and interesting.

    You’d have to weigh your own fallback financial situation with your responsibilities and acceptable stress level if you’re thinking in your terms.

  3. can you end up well stood up once the company crashes? will your reputation then help you to get a job in the future?

  4. It’s hard to know without more of the particulars, but it sounds like you’re feeling like you can absorb the risk with savings and a good job market. As long as those elements are also 99% safe, then it seems to me like a good option.

  5. It really depends on the stability and rate. If you’re making 200K stable, it may not be worth the jump to 250K unstable.

    If you’re at 50K, 100K is game changing.

  6. It all depends. How much better is the salary? What’s your emergency savings and overall financial picture? How easy would it be to get another job if this new job went away? Can your wife get a job?

  7. Making sure you have an income is the most important thing in your life. Solid income is paramount. Does the new job give you more time with your family? Is it likely to be more successful down the line? Do you have a squirrel fund in the event you’re let go suddenly? Which position offers better incentives? What’s the worklife culture at the new vs old position?

    There’s lots of variables missing but strictly speaking about the career path, this is a short list of things to think about. There’s also the chance to have a counteroffer placed on your lap by your current occupation unless you’re miserable there, though you don’t sound like it.

  8. Well that depends. If I was single it would be higher salary. But now that I’ve been married for 21 years. I’m gonna say job security. I will do what ever it takes to take care of my wife and 2 daughters, to provide a better life for them. Plus it depends on what stage of life I’m living also.

  9. I’ve worked at both small and big companies and I prefer big ones better for security. One small one was bought by private equity who sold the pieces. The other one was acquired by a bigger company.

  10. I’d take a high salary with the opportunity to learn and grow in my field any day over security.

    If the company collapses, you still have the experience and knowledge to go somewhere else. Probably for a higher salary than the place you left willingly.

    And if the economy collapses…your job would be done anywhere. 🤷‍♂️

  11. Unless you have enough money to completely fund your family expenses for 6 + months, job security is much more important. If you were single, you could take a chance. But, you have a family that you are responsible to provide safety, shelter, and food on the table.
    That’s my humble opinion.

  12. I’d go with money, especially if you been at your current position awhile.

    I’m a big believer in chasing money over company loyalty. But I ain’t got kids or family.

  13. IMO nothing should be done just for the money. Sure it’s good to have, but what’s the trade off or downside? How are the people to work with? What is the work life balance? Office culture is tolerable? If those factors are positive, then the money is bonus positive

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