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  1. Taking the local ferry to a small island in one of the atolls south of Malé this morning.

    It’s a tiny island, about 10 minutes to walk around the whole thing, with some really nice looking beaches, off shore reef snorkeling and some diving nearby.

    A few small, family run guesthouses and simple restaurants and a ferry twice a week to and from the capital.

  2. We were invited to dinner yesterday. Some distant relations of my husband were visiting from near Stuttgart, and the older gentleman had brought two bottles of red wine from something something thal down there where Hänsel and Gretel washed their feet or something. They were both from 2017 and he was very, very proud of them (from his private collection, it seems). He prided himself as a bit of a wine connoisseur.

    Holy fucking vinegar were they bad. I politely had a few sips of each but my god they were *awful*. Any 5-Liter tetra pak of Italian red wine in the supermarket is better than that. Dude was so enamoured with his local wine, but how can you not taste it? 

    I am not saying that German wine is bad, they have super delicious white wines. But red? It’s just not warm enough. 

    And he was talking about cherry aroma and stuff. Sometimes it’s hard to keep a straight face.

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