I’m 27(M), married, live in a big city, and I have no social circle outside my wife.

I’m in community college, and I just have a hard time not being awkward around others. I’ve tried giving people compliments, e.g “I like your hair”, “cool shirt, I like that band/anime”, or striking up a conversation with something that was said in class but I always feel so CREEPY afterwards. I hate it. Although that could be my anxiety?

I also speak to a couple coworkers, but at the end of the day, they’re either in a phase in their life where “hanging out” means drinking excessively, which I don’t do anymore, or they’re just not my type of people that I would consider friends. I know the general advice is to find things that interest you and such, but my interests are writing fiction, video games and smoking weed. All solo activities I enjoy.

My wife is amazing, yes, and I absolutely love spending time with her, but she has no social circle either, so really this post is for the hope on getting advice to make new friends.

TLDR; I feel creepy when talking to others, any advice would help. Or is it just my anxiety?

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