1. Mine is, I have beard hairs in my chin, not in all of my chin, just two places where this thick black hairs (I’m blonde) grow all the time and I have to pull them.

  2. i get hives on my breast’s from time to time 🤔 only like 1 or 2. no clue what that’s about

  3. Sometimes I get very hungry very suddenly, so much that I feel like I am going to throw up, and then I sneeze and instantly the hunger and nausea disappear. All of this happens in 10 seconds.

  4. Sometimes, I do a weird kind of reverse hiccup/spasm. It’s very loud, and it hurts. Have got nowhere with doctors as they never actually get to see it and just say it’s probably fine within the context of my other digestive issues.

  5. When I sleep on my back, I raise my hands towards the ceiling.

    Edit: It happens unconsciously when I’m asleep.

  6. Sometimes my head/scalp will tingle randomly. It’s like the beginning of pins & needles but on my scalp. I feel like Jimmy Neutron before he gets a big idea.

  7. Sometimes when I wake up, I get this insane euphoric feeling, like an insane burst of happiness that almost makes me orgasm it’s so strong

    Only happens once every other week, but it’s intense, no idea what it is, lasts anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds.

  8. Sometimes my sternum will cramp, like a foot cramp but right between my breasts. It takes a few minutes to go away and until it does I have to take extremely shallow breaths so I don’t accidentally expand my rib cage.

  9. I’m double jointed in my legs and arms. It weirds me out a bit sometimes lol.

  10. I can open the upper sphincter of my stomach on demand, known it since a teenager. Brought some great triumphs in burping contests.

  11. I often wake up with numb hands. It doesn’t seem to be positional, as it happens on my back, on my side, etc. It isn’t painful—no pins and needles. The numbness disappears (again, painlessly) within a minute or two.

  12. I get this weird pain in one area at the side of my head that feels weird, and I can’t describe it sometimes when I exert myself, or if I bump my head, or if something stressful happens. It kinda feels like the twang of a spring sounds..?

  13. Random weird hiccups out of nowhere. Like sometimes I’ll wake up hiccuping….very annoying

  14. Sometimes my whole body shudders or twitches for a second or two. Mostly when I’m feeling particularly anxious.

  15. I get this thing it’s like a mix between a burp and a hiccup and a scream it’s very loud

  16. Not especially my body, but my mind in my sleep. Sometimes I have dreams of a “creator”. I do something and trying to find a solution and simply rewinding that dream, put something or someone else in that dream and trying out new solutions until I get the right one. Sometimes it helps me a lot when I am stressed out of my projects in real-life and not once my dreams helped me to find a out a solution.

  17. Very infrequent and irregular periods.

    I don’t want to me fertile so no problem there. Rather the opposite, half of the year is a pregnancy scare.

  18. I get really shaky and lightheaded sometimes. Im not anemic but i do think i have occasional low blood pressure

  19. My pinky joint really hurts when it’s cold. It feels like it’s been jarred even when I touch it or nudge it. If I squeeze the joint it hurts too. But my pinky is so insignificant relative to the rest of my body it feels silly to look into.

  20. When my blood sugar drops or I get anxious, my muscles freeze and go stiff. I struggle to release them and continue any movement, when it was bad my eyes used to freeze in a direction and I’d have to concentrate to release them and look forward

  21. When I sneeze, my funny bone always tingles

    Also when I push my head forward like a chicken air is always pushed out of my throat a lil. Started happening when I landed on the back my neck on a trampoline when I was younger

  22. I get super dizzy just about every time I stand up unless I do it really slowly. I think it’s because I have weirdly low blood pressure. It doesn’t concern me that much but it’s so annoying.

  23. I have a couple of hair strands on most of my knuckles, which I feel like I shouldn’t because I’ve only ever seen men with it. However, I’ve always struggled with an overproduction of androgens, so I guess it makes sense. Still weird enough that I religiously shave and bleach them though.

  24. I have dermatographia and have for as long as I can remember. It’s also called “skin writing disease” and is essentially a highly localized histamine reaction that your skin has to scratches. It’s called that because I can take a nail or any sharpish object, and if I scratch it along my skin without breaking the skin, I get raised, red hives where I scratched after a few minutes. It’s so localized that I can draw shapes and write words. The hives disappear after about 20 minutes or so.

    It’s more annoying than anything else. Sometimes it’s kind of funny and a neat party trick.

  25. When I smoke weed, I’ve noticed it gets harder to breathe for the time that I am high. It goes away when the high goes, but I have to breathe so much harder to get all the oxygen in…almost like the tubes inside are contracting.

  26. My left side ribs are normal but on my right side my ribs have an indentation. It’s felt uncomfortable to lay flat on my stomach my entire life because my ride side ribs will start tingling.

  27. Stabbing, searing pain in my stomach when I get hungry, nearly equivalent to period cramps.

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