(3 years)

Let me reiterate, this friendship is online.
Basically in short, I had a situation where my boyfriend’s friend was quite rude to me and I reacted back to it and, since he was consistently quite rude to me and started arguments because I… listen to Kanye West and Doja Cat…? And I did admittedly feed into it a little bit because of how ridiculous said friend was being, however I DID try to act friendly with him to neutralise it for the sake of everyone but he didn’t take it and continued to act rude towards me. When he did try to talk behind my back, my boyfriend did apparently stop him but my problem is that he still acts friendly towards him. His main concern is that if he stops acting friendly to that one guy, the rest of his friends will act colder to him in general. But my problem is that it just feels like he’s okay with the disrespect towards me? I know that I was illogical at times, but said friend didn’t feed into my attempt to be friendly at all and continued it, so past a point I don’t feel as in the wrong. I don’t want my boyfriend to cut any friends off but I don’t know if I should be okay with this or not (I am autistic so I’m not too sure on whether I’m acting irrational here or not so double checking)! Anyone got a good solution here? My boyfriend wants me to make up with his friend but I don’t use the same app he does so I don’t see too much point but I’m considering it for his well being…

TLDR: Boyfriend sticks up for me with friend who tried shit talking me behind my back that I had arguments with in the past but continues to be friends with him. What is a good solution to this?

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