What are ways that you have gained trust in yourself and how did you do it?

  1. When I work hard, focus, and apply myself I generally do well! Sometimes I struggle with things, and sometimes I struggle for factors beyond my control, but I never let myself down. I never fail because I didn’t try my best.

    Sometimes life wears me down and my best isn’t as good, but I’ve still got my own back.

    Other people have let me down a lot, and part of that is just being human. So I forgive myself for the human parts of me that can’t always solve every problem, and appreciate myself for the victories I do have. I just try to give myself positive reinforcement and learn from my mistakes, and accept when I do make a mistake!

  2. I’ve fucked up so bad several times in my life. Gotten yelled at a couple times by coworkers/bosses, I’ve been fired for my stupidity.

    I got kicked out of my parents’ house. I had to live with a bf for 3 weeks.

    I’ve fucked up so much… but life right now is alright. I survived each time I ruined my life. So I figure no matter what it is, I’ll get through it.

  3. As awful as this may sound, I learned by discovering I can’t put my full trust in others. Not even family. I’ve been let down so many times that it’s built trust in myself.

    The only person I can trust to do what is right for me is me, and that is just the way it is

  4. Planning my most important life goals and taking small steps incrementally. Also therapy to give myself the confidence to believe in myself and to continue believing I’m worth the effort.

  5. Giving up alcohol and actually staying active has helped me trust myself a lot. I didn’t think I could stay off the sauce and keep myself fit. I’m doing it, I’m consistent, I trust I can do well at other things too, be a good human. Being good to yourself is the best way to trust that you can be good to others.

  6. By learning to prioritise my own needs, set boundaries, and stand up for myself. I’ve actually struggled with these more in my closest relationships, rather than out in the world. So it’s been a subtle, quiet shift through lots of therapy and self-reflection. But the difference is already tangible to me!

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