And how much do you care (out of 10) about hip dips or things like that?

Edit: forgot to tell, it’s just for curiosity. Don’t have problems to tell something considered inappropriate, the important is that you really think what you are writing

  1. The same time a man becomes unacceptable to women on the basis of his weight.

  2. I know a lot of men who are super attractive to heavier women. Also I hate that some women still think they have to look a certain way. I have two daughters and I just want them to be happy and healthy.

  3. 1. Unhealthy food maniac is wrong, 1 or 2 unhealthy days a week and enough exercise, that’s a woman I can be proud of

    2. I’d say less than 0.7

  4. When I start to see that their arms getting really big.. I can’t deal with that. Shows you’re lazy imo

  5. there are many different size people in this world that go home to partners that love them.

    if you don’t believe me, the next time you leave your house, just take a look at people in grocery shops or gas stations or in libraries etc.

    couples hang out together all the time. there’s a lot of diversity in your environment if you take a look.

  6. When she openly displays that she has a chip on her shoulder, or other personal issues related to her weight or what have you. Like while I do have a thing for heavier women, there have been so many that ended up pushing me away. Or were unable to keep a guy around and not being able to hold a conversation or initiate. Some thought that they didn’t have to put any work forward and a guy would just put up with whatever bs she had going on while condemning guys for the same sort of stuff.

  7. When I find her unattractive which depends on the girl but anything above average is usually a no for me

  8. Just any kind of overweight really, ofc if they have gained weight from medical conditions it doesnt really count if ur already with them. But pretty much any kind of whieght over like “normal” healthy bmi

  9. A normal-range BMI in a woman is very important to me because it is related to my perceptions of both physical attraction and overall physical health, and indicates self discipline and good habits. Equally important is personality, though. If a woman is arrogant, selfish, entitled, disagreeable, lacks femininity or personal accountability, or is otherwise mentally unstable, that’s an automatic no from me, regardless of her weight. If a woman is 10/10 hot but is a chain-smoking divorced single mom with multiple baby daddies and a bad attitude, no amount of good looks is going to fix that for me. Never stick your D in crazy.

  10. Everyone is going to be different and have a unique border of what “Too Fat” is. There’s no magic number on a scale. It’s a visual thing, as your partner gains weight, you become less and less attracted to them until you aren’t anymore.

    But again, everyone has a different threshold.

  11. For myself, I lost a Iot of weight and have managed to keep it off, so a fit woman is attractive to me because I understand the dedication it takes to stay fit and healthy.

  12. Can’t really quantify it. If the first thing I notice is her size, it’s a deal breaker.

  13. Fat? I’ll leave that up to her doctor. Not likable? There are a million reasons. Obesity is usually a symptom, not a cause, for being unlikable.

  14. Well, their BMI is over 25 and they don’t have 20 pounds of raw muscle and look like an athlete, they are fat.

    If their BMI is just under 25, and no muscle definition, then that person is skinny fat, which is fat. it’s also skinny, but it’s also fat.

    if 22 BMI and less, not fat.

  15. I don’t know what a hip dip is. Weight is more about how it sits. There are too many variables. Like muscle is a lot more dense than fat

  16. I would say if you’re pushing 20 pounds over your BMI is the start.

    Say you’re 5’2″. You should top at 130. If you’re pushing over 150, it may be a problem. I say “may” because there are other factors men may be attracted to. We don’t all have the same likes and dislikes.

    As far as hip dips, seems only women worry about that. Never met a man that has ever said ” I will never date her because she has hip dips “.

  17. A good rule to go by is if a girls belly is hanging over her pants or aka a “muffin top” then she’s “too fat”, at least in my opinion. Some people like em chunky. Chubby is fine but chunky is a no from me. I also put an importance on health and being overweight or obese is not healthy.

    Also, I don’t think most people care about “hip dips” if any. I’m pretty sure it’s how your skeleton is and you can’t change that. I think I actually have “hip dips” too, but I’m a guy so I don’t know if that counts.

  18. Weight ain’t an issue it’s her fucking attitude and personality that are.

    For instance as a fat fuck myself i’m willing to look past weight providing she is too and we click but if she looks at me and thinks eww repulsive fat fuck than she can trip and bounce away.

  19. I like flat stomachs, so for me it doesn’t take much. But I stay in really great shape myself so I don’t feel bad about having a high standard and telling my partners that.

  20. Answers to this are different to each guy.

    Hip dips are an extraordinarily minor thing. I had to google them, and they are not that common even among women who’s body type I’m attracted to. You only seem to be able to get them if you’re genetically disposed to having the skeletal structure for it, or are so thin that its actually a severe medical issue.

    Its a silly metric to apply generically, like the A4 Waist trend that swept across social media some years back. Most highly desirable and well toned Caucasian/European girls would fail this “trend”, its only Asian women that have the skeletal structure and body type for it to be even possible, and that is no way an indicator that European girls are somehow less attractive than Asian girls because of it.

    Want to know the uncomfortable truth? Guys only care about features like hip dips, thigh gaps, collarbones etc insofar as they give us an indicator as to your true body type when we don’t know what it is. Many women out there use tricks to make themselves look desirable, and the right makeup, clothing fit and camera angles can hide a shocking amount of detail.

    Some things are harder to hide than others, and we look for those. Does she have her hands in a photo and there’s sausage fingers? No collarbone visible? Extra chin folds? All of these are indicators that someone is overweight.

    Having or not having these particular features only matters when we don’t know what you look like as a complete package. If you’re overweight and don’t want to be, then good you’ve taken the first step to fixing that and improving your life. Primarily though, if YOU are unhappy with your weight when you look in the mirror, then you should take the honest and difficult steps to change it, namely diet (80%) and exercise (20%), not filters and clothing.

  21. When her BMI hits obesity-levels. It doesent mean she isn’t likeable though, it means I’m just not going to be particularly, sexually attracted to her.

    Your chance of me swiping right on Tinder if your BMI is approaching 30, would be next to zero(if single)

    If my SO would’ve gotten that big trough injury and medication(outside factors outside of/factors making it difficult to control) I’d most likely stick by her because the connection and love we already share.

    As a single man however, I got to be honest, I wouldn’t be able to date someone I wasn’t attracted to.

    Also: as a strength and conditioning coach I can say, the trend of aspiring to have hip dips is fucking retarded. You do realise that hip dips are genetically determined right? Meaning if you don’t have the particular bone structure around the hip and pelvic area, you can’t have them. You cannot change your bone structure. No amount of training or calorie-cutting is going to magically change the shape of your damn skeleton. If you do happen to have the skeletal structure that allows for hip dips, you won’t be able too see then unless you’re hovering at near malnourishment.

    As a man, I’m 99.9% sure I speak for most dudes when I say the following:

    – guys don’t want girls that look like they ate the Michelin Man whole.

    – Guys do not want a girl that could be featured on a UNICEF poster either(ie. Hip dips, looking like a slight breeze would bowl you over)

    – 99.9% of us either don’t know what the flying fuck hip dips are, or couldn’t care less.

    You know what’s sexy? Confidence. Work on your insecurities, and get off social media.

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